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Feet in Hospital Operating

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Take care of this patient's injured feet

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Feet in Hospital Operating is an engaging simulation game designed to immerse players in the world of medical professionals, with a focus on foot care. Players are tasked with the crucial responsibility of restoring their patients' feet to optimal health. This interactive experience offers a chance to perform various medical procedures, ensuring an educational yet enjoyable gaming session.

Some of its top features include treating foot wounds, cleaning and disinfecting nails and fingers, removing blood, and applying bandages as well as iodine. Moreover, an attention to detail is required as participants perform tasks such as trimming nails meticulously. By participating in these activities, players gain a sense of satisfaction from the positive impact on their patients' well-being.

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The game promises a rewarding experience, perfect for those interested in medical procedures or looking to pass time with an activity that combines fun with a sense of responsibility. Players are invited to take on the challenge and experience the fulfillment that comes with contributing to the health and recovery of others through the art of virtual foot care.

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Information about Feet in Hospital Operating 1.3

Package Name com.anygame.feetinhospitaloperating
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
44 more
Author AnyGame
Downloads 1,264
Date May 9, 2015
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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